Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 1 and done!!! LOL

Ok, so I talked to a medical professional last night and then did some research online.  I will NOT be challenging myself to 30-days primal.  I am still, however, challenging myself to 30-days completely clean and with some form of activity every day.  I invite you on this journey with me, and it begins today! 

I thought by testing my body with a primal diet for 30 days, I would reap benefits of improved sleep quality, lean muscle gain and fat loss, which I believe one can obtain, but through my conversation and research, I am learning that I can do all the same without eliminating food groups and their benefits.  I also learned that as I am someone with hypothyroidism, my hormones would not react well to a low-carb push, even if only for 30 days.  I really should have started this research on primal/hormones before the day I wanted to start lol.  Better late than never.  I did start this morning and at the end of each day will share my food consuption/recipes/exercise through my blog and facebook page.

Bottom line, I will continue a 30-day challenge of healthy, wholesome, delicious food that serves my body well.  I will exercise every day.  I will share new and old recipes with you, and share this entire experience.  30 days doesn't seem like a long time, but when you work 6 (some weeks 7) days a week, have functions to attend, and have friends who love to do dinner and drinks, it's going to seem like an eternity.  While I may now be able to have some hummus and quinoa (primal wouldn't allow that), I will not partake in eating out or alcohol.  Wish me luck!!

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