Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 11 recap

Bet you thought I forgot about my recap!! (Or maybe you just hoped lol). Busy day today, so I'm blogging from my iPhone. Just recapping Day 11, where I also prepared a vegetarian dinner. I got in a 4 mile brisk walk with jog intervals.

Breakfast - 1 slice of whole wheat Tuscan Pane toast with seasoned avocado and a cup of grapes.

Snack - apple

Lunch - leftover lentil cakes with cauliflower and onion

Snack - Barre Bar - product review coming soon. I received this in my Bulu Box, which is a monthly membership that sends you samples of healthy vitamins and shakes to try. The shake they sent this month was not clean, but this bar was, so I'll give you the scoop soon.

Dinner - mushroom stroganoff. This is one of my favorites that I got from, but I adapted it a little to make it completely clean. No worries, ill share :). So tasty!

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