Thursday, April 18, 2013

Recipe - Chicken Curry with Broccoli

Good afternoon!  Like I said in yesterday's Day 8 recap, the Chicken Curry I made is now my most favorite creation to date!!  The color of a curry may be off-putting to some, but the flavor in this dish is so good!  And the best part is, it's a one pot dish (except for the rice, if you chose to make it), so it's so easy!

A funny story about me and chicken curry.  When I was a kid, my aunt would make it for my Mom and Dad, but it was a grown up version, super spicy.  She would serve it with pineapple chunks, banana slices, celery and tomatoes to cool the mouth.  My brother and I couldn't handle the spice, so we would just eat the rice, fruit and veggies.  When I started cooking I learned that not all curries need to be super spicy, the curry powder only gives it a smokey heat, not a spicy heat, so I started making tandoori chicken and creating my own curry powder, which is a mixture of cumin, corriander, tumeric, cardamom and a pinch of cinnamon- none of which are spicy, and a little cayenne for heat (optional).  (For this particular recipe I used a curry powder that I picked up at the Williamstown Farmers Market, cause it saved me time!)  When I was in Ireland alittle over 2 years ago, my cousins took me to a Chinese Restaurant for a meal, and I ordered the Chicken Curry.  To this day, I still say, "The best Indian food I ever ate was at a Chinese restaurant in Ireland!"  That is, until I made this!  It was so close to the creaminess and flavor that I got in that restaurant.  This was a total score, and I really hope you like it!

Ingredients - Serves 3 to 4

-1 Lb Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast - sliced 1/2 inch thick lenght ways, or cut into 1 inch chunks
-4 cups of broccoli (or use any vegetable you like!)
-1 can lite coconut milk
-2/3 cup chicken broth
-1 to 1 1/2 tsbp curry powder
-1 tsp garlic powder
-1 1/2 tbsp of corn starch (I use organic to keep it clean)
In a high sided skillet or large pot, combine all ingredients except the chicken.  Bring to a soft boil.  Add chicken and boil until chicken is cooked through (about 7 minutes).  To thicken the sauce just whisk in 1 to 1/1/2 tbsp of corn starch toward the end of the cook time (about 2 minutes before it's done).

Serve over brown rice, quinoa or whole wheat couscous and pieces of fruit and veggies.

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