Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 14 Recap

This is the recap of Day 14, which means I am actually on Day 15, and that means I am half way through the 30-day challenge.  This hasn't been so much challenging as it has been eye-opening.  I am learning a lot about how certain foods affect me, and learning to cook things I never thought I could cook (salmon!).  I am finding that just 2 straight weeks of fitness has me feeling so much stronger and has increased my endurance.  I'm glad I took this challenge.  I am not ending the blog when I end the challenge, but I promise not to make you read my daily meals lol  I will share when something is good, and provide recipes or links.

Breakfast - Oatmeal Pancakes (I had made a few extra on Sunday and brought them into work and ate them cold...but they were still really good!  The cinnamon made them slightly sweet)

Lunch - 1 cup leftover black bean soup over 1 cup of brown rice

Snack - sliced cucumber and 1/4 cup homemade hummus

Dinner - Seasoned flank steak with caramelized onions, sweet potato and green beans.

Exercise was 1 hour of Zumba.  This was my first time taking the class.  While I was not dazzling anyone with my dancing skills, I did keep up the pace and never got exhausted, I was able to get through the whole thing and felt great afterwards!!  I definitely recommend it to those looking for something new or fun or different.  I am proof you don't have to be graceful or have rhythm to do Zumba.

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